Thursday 19 October 2017

Term 4 Goal

Term 4 Learning Goal

My Learning Goal
To not get in trouble
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Listen to the speaker
Not talk when someone else is talking
Get all my work done on time
Not muck around on the device, use it for what it is meant to be used for.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
I will stay on green on the traffic light all of the time.
I will get my work finished.
My Learner Qualities Goal
Be resilient
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
To not give up when things get difficult
Ask for help when I get stuck in my learning
Move away from people if I am being distracted
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
When I never give up.
When I try my best all of the time.
When I make sensible decisions.

Thursday 24 August 2017

 What’s the goal? to complete the task before
What did I learn to do?
What is my next step? to finish faster

Thursday 6 July 2017

Dance Reflection

  • I’ve enjoyed dancing with Dean. My favourite move is strut.
  • I’ve been challenged by the cha cha because I felt uncomfortable holding girls hands.
  • I have surprised myself… doing the cha cha and remembering all of the moves.
  • I learnt…to be confident about myself and my dance moves.
  • I found… new moves that I didn't know before like the strut, allemana turn, new york.
  • I would now like to… practice them some more.

My Student Led Conference

Camp Movie

Thursday 8 June 2017

Mirror in the Attic Term 2 week 4

WALT write a “moment in time” piece of writing.

I can see: a magic mirror
I am touching something like water.
I am seeing a gel-like mirror.  
I can hear:
A vibrating sound.
I can hear a quiet gong.
I can smell:
Nothing because my nose is blocked from sneezing after breathing in all the dust.
I can feel:
Slimy gel on the mirror.
I can taste:
Particles of fluffy dust in my mouth.
Dry like dust particle.

N-J Junior kneels carefully in front of the mirror. Curious about what might happen.  

He sees a gel-like mirror that is moving and wobbling. Then N-J jr hears a vibrating and small gong sound.
He smells nothing, because the dust is blocking his nose.
N-J jr touches the gel, it feels squishy and makes his fingers tingle. N-J jr is nervous and his mouth tastes dry like dust particles that are fluffy.